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Best movie watched during coronavirus quarantine
TV Shows & Movies
1) 50 First Dates
? votes
2) The Wedding Planner
? votes
3) Monster-in-Law
? votes
4) Wedding Crashers
? votes
5) Shallow Hal
? votes
6) What to Expect When You're Expecting
? votes
Views: 6013
Best Movie Series (3 or More)
Entertainment, Music, Radio
1) James Bond
? votes
2) Jurassic Park/Jurassic World
? votes
2) Bourne
? votes
4) The Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings
? votes
4) X-Men Cinematic Universe
? votes
6) Star Wars Saga and Spin-offs
? votes
7) MCU/Avengers
? votes
8) Pirates Of The Caribbean
? votes
9) The Matrix Trilogy
? votes
10) DCU/Justice League
? votes
Views: 7089