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Top Actors
TV Shows & Movies
1) Tom Hanks
? votes
2) Robert Deniro
? votes
3) Marlon Brando
? votes
4) Denzel Washington
? votes
5) Daniel Day Lewis
? votes
6) Al Pacino
? votes
7) Paul Newman
? votes
8) Leonardo DiCaprio
? votes
9) Anthony Hopkins
? votes
10) Sidney Poitier
? votes
Views: 6405
Top 10 Actors
Entertainment, Music, Radio
1) Johnny Depp
? votes
2) Ryan Reynolds
? votes
3) Matthew McConaughey
? votes
4) Adam Sandler
? votes
5) Tom Hanks
? votes
6) Kevin Hart
? votes
7) Ice Cube
? votes
8) Steve Carell
? votes
9) Will Farrell
? votes
10) Tom Carrey
? votes
Views: 8908